Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 251
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 251
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251 Dorothy Bellanca and Ulisse De Dominicis were the most important of the socialist ACW leaders to emerge from this union's Italian-American constituency. Additionally, there were socialists active in the union struggles of the textile workers, a group that tended to be "native" white American in ethnicity.2** Finally there was also some socialist sentiment, or at least openness to socialism, evident in the craft unions of Baltimore. The Socialist Party's Maryland Leader regularly served the craft unions as well as the industrial unions, covering their struggles, their meetings, and the meetings and conventions of their umbrella groups, the Baltimore Federation of Labor and the Maryland-District of Columbia Federation of Labor. In October 1930, Baltimore's best known Socialist, Elisabeth Oilman, addressed the craft-dominated Baltimore Federation of Labor (BFL) with a proposal on ending prison labor. And in July 1933, craft unionist Henry F. Broening, president of the BFL and cousin of the previous mayor of Baltimore, co- sponsored the Socialist Party-initiated Maryland Convention of the Continental Congress of Farmers and Workers. ' PUL organizers made productive use of the Socialist Party's links to the white working class and organized labor movement in many ways. Broening of the BFL endorsed the PUL during its initial drive, and Joseph McCurdy, Broening's successor spoke often at PUL meetings and events, giving the PUL legitimacy in the ranks of white craft workers. A few months after he led the red-baiting attack on the Baltimore seamen and the Marine Workers Industrial Union, McCurdy defended the PUL from a similar attack, declaring, "The PUL are often called communists and radicals... so were our forefathers at Boston Commons, but now as then, right will prevail." Undoubtedly, the existence of a "Communist threat" to the left of the PUL made anti-Communist labor leaders like McCurdy friendlier than they otherwise might have been to the league. But the leadership of BFL- affiliated organized labor was generally friendly toward the PUL, and early in its