Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 88
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 88
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88 Table 4-1 EMPLOYED WORKING CLASS PERCENT IN ECONOMIC SECTORS AND SUB-SECTORS7 INDUSTRIAL WORKING CLASS Manufacturing and mechanical Skilled and craft Operatives Laborers Transportation and communication Water transport Road and street Railroad Express, post, radio, telegraph, telephone Other REPRODUCTIVE WORKERS Trade and commerce Domestic and personal service Clerical TOTAL in above sectors TOTAL Working Class Total 160,233 128,431 57,424 41,549 29,458 31,802 5,857 13,301 8,176 4,118 350 89,157 11,510 44,448 33,199 249,390 253,733 Percent of Class 63.2 50.6 Percent-Sector in Sub-Sector 12.5 35.1 4.5 17.5 13.1 983 100.0 44.7 32.4 22.9 18.4 41.9 25.7 12.9 1.1