What's New in Version 2.1

The big news for version 2.1 is that Wilbur is now free source software. Other than that, version 2.1 is a maintenance release which fixes a few problems and adds some new features.

Indexing & Searching

Basic zip file encryption handling was implemented. The main focus of this was for CD vendors using Wilbur as a viewer, but it should have some general application as well.
Characters with special meanings in searches such as the wild card characters '*' and '?' can now be added to the additional characters fields of the Index Options dialog, but in so doing they will lose their special meaning in searches.
Fixed so that + operator works correctly with quotes and parenthesis in searches
A confirmation box now appears before a build starts as a result of changes to the index dialog.
Fixed rare memory bug that could cause crashes with big indexes on fragmented drives.
Added checks and warnings so indexes possibly corrupted by interrupted updates are rebuilt rather than updated.
Updates will now work when files are changed on a removable volume. Previously a rebuild would have been necessary.
Characters entered in the Others not Starting Word field of the Index Options dialog were in fact valid anywhere in the word in version 2.0.


All search criteria are now saved from run to run, not just the last search phrase.
Fixed a problem with compound searches such as:
craig "htm files"
Any nonvalid character can now be used as word separators in search phrases. This allows things like craig@redtree.com to be pasted into the search field, although it will still need to be surrounded with quotes if you want that exact phrase.
Words in the search phrase that are also in the skip list are now shown on the status line if the search fails.

File List Pane

Added a File/File List/Print to allow quick printing of the file list.

Added a File/File List/Copy to Clipboard command to get the file list contents into the Window's clipboard.

The File/File List/Export command now remembers the last destination directory.
The File/Print command will now work with files inside zip archives.
When the File/Launch command is used for a file inside a zip archive, it no longer asks for a place to extract the file before launching. It simply creates a temporary file and launches it. This file will be destroyed when Wilbur is shut down, so it is made read only to remind you it should not be modified.
Fixed the quick find feature (type a character to jump to the first file whose name starts with that character) which was broken in version 2.

Contents Pane

When text is not found the top of the file is now displayed rather than the bottom.

new OLE automation routines were added that allow a client to access the contents of the contents pane.


Added a Edit/Select All command which works for both the file list and the contents pane (depending on which is highlighted). This snagged the Ctrl-A accelerator key from the View/Automatic Quick View which now gets Ctrl-M
Now saves and restores the state of the status and tool bars.
Fixed so that a zero length file history list reverts to one to prevent a start up crash.
OLE searches were failing for upper case search strings.
In some cases updates were not finding modified files in top level directories. (like C:\)
Added OLE automation routines for zip encryption and changing current drives.

What was new in version 2.0

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