What is Wilbur?

Wilbur’s mission is to help you find files and things in all those files you accumulate on your hard disk.

He does this by creating an index of file information, including indexing the contents of given types of files.  Once the index is prepared, Wilbur can quickly show you a list of all the files containing any word or group of words and/or meeting name, folder name and other file criteria. He can also show you a view of the sought after words in context in any file selected.

Please note that Wilbur is a Win32 program and will only run on the Intel version of WinNT (3.5 or higher) and Win9x. It will not run with the Win32s extensions for the 16 bit Windows.

For those upgrading from earlier versions, the What's New in Version 2 page will be of interest.

How is Wilbur Installed?

To install Wilbur simply run the distribution file and follow the on screen instructions. During the installation process files will be created in a temporary directory, but will be deleted at the end of the installation process.

Please Note: If when you first run Wilbur you get an error message saying OLEAUT32.DLL is missing, please down load the oadist.exe file and execute it. This Microsoft supplied file will update certain system files required by the new Microsoft compiler used to create Wilbur. Similarly you may need to download the 40comup.exe.  This is also a Microsoft update that you will already have if you have install Internet Explorer 4 or later.  As most users will not have this problem we decided not to include these files in all downloads to minimized download times.

To uninstall Wilbur, choose the Add/Remove icon from the control panel and then select Wilbur from the list of uninstallable programs.

Getting Started

When you first run Wilbur, it will launch your web browser with a Getting Started tutorial. (Note all Wilbur help is browser based, but the help files are on your local disk so an active Internet connection is not necessary).  Please take a few minutes to work through the tutorial as it is a great way to get a feel for what Wilbur can do for you.

CD Rom Indexing

A launcher program is available to facilitate the use of Wilbur to create indexes on distributed CD-ROMS. Have a look at http://wilbur.redtree.com/wilburcd.htm

More Information

There is complete online help available in the program and on our web site. If you have any problems or have any comments or suggestions please send them to us. We can be reached at the following:

Web Site wilbur.redtree.com
E-Mail wilbur@redtree.com
Postal: RedTree Development Inc.
2 Timberline Crescent
Fernie, B.C., V0B 1M1

Thank you for your interest in Wilbur.

Craig Morris

RedTree Development Inc.