time, bring to the practioners men and issues of peculiar interest to the professional and legal trained mind. It has attracted to its program some of the most able men within the country and they have brought messages and information on jurisprudence and legal ethics. Incidently, this Bar Association is regarded with the same respect, and accorded the same courtesy as other associations. Most of the appointments by the Courts to cases, are made from the members of this association. The association is a member of the National Bar Association and the latter association held its annual sessions twice within the State. At present there are about thirty attorneys in Maryland. Two have been practitioners for more than forty years, others have recently been admitted. Their hobbies, tastes and affiliations may vary, but in their chosen profession they are one in their principles of giving service. All in all, the Negro lawyer in Maryland has made good in his field of endeavor and in doing so for himself, has made a valuable contri-bution to the advancement of the entire group and to the community, State, and Nation. Someone has said a profession is judged by the calibre of men it attracts to it. This is only partly true Men are judged by the profession that attracts them and by the amount of service they render the com-munity while within that profession. In law, as any other line, "He is greatest who serves best." If judged by this standard, the Negro lawyer in Maryland will not be found wanting. 15 Among cases see 87 Md. 643; 132 Md. 311; 173 Md. 295; 169 Md. 478 and 245 U.S. 60. Illustrations: E. Brown vs. Calvert County (1937) Settled with an agreement to equalize salaries. W. Wells vs. Anne Arundel County. U. S. Dist. Court (1939). De-cided in favor of teacher. 12