Maryland and Delaware 11/7/99 10:34 PM 2; 1735-9, Liber T-2 (MdHR 8145); Liber vol. 39 (CR 34,658); Liber vol. 42 (CR 34,660-2); 1755-6, Liber F, no.3 (CR 34,662-1); 1760-2, Liber K, no.3 (CR 34,663-2). Dorchester County Judgments, 1690-2, MdHR microfilm CR49,048-4. Dorchester County Judgments 1728-9, MdHR 8907-2. Dorchester County Judgments, 1740-44, MdHR 8911. Dorchester County Judgments, 1754-5, MdHR microfilm CR49,052 Prince George's County Judgments 1742-3, Liber AA, MdHR 5761 Somerset County Judicial Records 1689-90 (CR 45,672); 1692-3; 1698-1701; 1701-2; 1702-5, in Deeds Liber GI (microfilm CR 34,365); 1705-6, Liber AB (MdHR 8033-2); 1707-11 (MdHR 9169), 1711-3 (MdHR 9170), 1713-5 in Deed Book AC (MdHR 8034-1), 1715-7 (CR 6396); 1718, Liber EF; 1722-4; 1728-31, Liber SH; 1730-3, 1733-5, 1740-2, 1742-4, 1747-9, 1757-60, 1757-60 (CR 50,295); 1760-3, microfilms CR 50,282-7, 50,295-6 Somerset County Tax Lists 1723-57, MdHR 20,397 Talbot County Judgments 1698, Liber AB, no. 8, pan 2 (MdHR 9596-2) Worcester County Land Records Liber Q, R, and S. Internet Sources: Maryland State Archives Web Site, Assesment of 1783, MSI 161, downloaded 8/22/99: Printed Sources: Bureau of the Census. 1965 [1908]. Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: Maryland. Baltimore. Davidson, Thomas E. Free Blacks on the lower Eastern Shore of Maryland: the colonial period -1662 to 1775. Maryland Historical Trust. Crownsville, Maryland. Green, Karen Mauer. 1990. The Maryland Gazette 1727-1761. Prnntifr Ptv»«c fJalvfctnn TV»-vac Page 3 of 3