Adams-Butler 11/7/99 10:29 PM ii. Edward, born about 1790, obtained a certificate of freedom in Talbot County on 23 July 1810: a black man ... about 20 years of age, 5 feet 71/2 inches high... dark coplection ... free born ... raised in this County. iii. Harry, born about 1793, obtained a certificate of freedom in Talbot County on 20 March 1810: a black man ... about 22 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches & an half high, compaction dark Coffee [Certificates of Freedom 1807-15, 30, 43, 46, 174]. BARDLEY FAMILY Members of the Bardley family in Maryland were i. Samuel, born say 1770, head of a Kent County household of 3 "other free" and a slave in 1800 [MD: 145]. ii. Mary, bom say 1772, mother of a "mulatto" child who was buried in St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore on 15 September 1792 [Reamy, Records of St. Paul's Parish, 1:68]. BARTON FAMILY 1. Rosamond Bently, born say 1750, recovered her freedom by a suit against Anthony Addison in Prince George's County Court. She was the ancestor of 2 i. Nancy Barton, born about 1768. ii. Eleanor Cooper, born about 1771, registered as a free Negro in Prince George's County on 2 April 1813: a bright mulatto woman, about 42 years old, and 5 feet 5 inches tall. She is free, being the descendant of a certain Rosamond Bently who recovered her freedom in the Prince George's County Court in a suit against Anthony Addison. iii. ?Kizy Barton, head of an Anne Arundel County household of 5 "other free" in 1790. iv. ?Susanah Barton, head of a Baltimore City household of 6 "other free" in 1800 [MD:232]. v. ?William Barton, "free Negro" head of a Page 9 of 38