Adams-Butler 11/7/99 10:29 PM Prince George's County ori 4 April 1812: a dark mulatto woman, about 17 years old, and 5 feet 10 inches tall... flat nose, thick lips and a broad face ... born in Prince George's County in the family of Daniel Clarice near Queen Anne ... daughter of Henny Alien a free mulatto woman who was born free. ii. Nelly, born about 1797, registered in Prince George's County on 2 October 1812: about 15 years old, 4 feet 6-1/2 inches tall, and has a yellowish complexion ... has woolly hair, aflat nose, full eyes, and good teeth ... daughter of Henny Alien, a free woman [Pro vine, Registrations of Free Negroes, 10, 13, 25]. ANDERSON FAMILY 1. Christian Anderson, born say 1738, was the indentured servant of Robert Horner on 6 January 1756 when she delivered a "Molatto" male child which was born "by a Negroe." She denied the charge but was convicted in Charles County Court in March 1757. Her son Hensey Anderson was bound out until the age of 31 years [Court 1760-2, 465]. She may have been the ancestor of some members of the Ariderson family counted as "other free" in Maryland and Delaware: i. James, head of a Cecil County household of 7 "other free" in 1800 [MD:575]. 2 ii. Thomas, head of a Talbot County household of 5 "other free" in 1800 [MD:522J. iii. Joseph, head of a Kent County, Maryland household of 6 "other free" in 1800 [MD:157]. iv. Stephen, head of a Cecil County household of 4 "other free" in 1800 [MD:247]. v. Mary, head of a Kent County household of 2 "other free" in 1800 [MD:157]. vi. Nathan, head of a St. Jones Hundred, Kent County, Delaware household of 6 "other free" inl800[DE:48]. vii. Nathan, head of a St. Jones Hundred, Kent County household of 5 "other free" in 1800 [DE:46]. viii. Risdon, head of a New Castle County household of 11 "other free" in 1810 [DE:68]. iv TnHii/orH VtooH r\f o \T*m/ /^octlo f"*r\»t«t-tf Page 5 of 38