Adams-Butler 11/7/99 10:29 PM 11UU5CHU1U Ul J UUICi 11CC 111 1 / y\J CtllU ~> 111 1800[MD:406]. ix. Jenny !, head of a St. Mary's County household of 3 "other free" in 1790, perhaps the Jenny Adams who was head of a Charles County household of 5 "other free" in 1800 [MD:561]. x. Jane2, head of a Charles County household of 4 "other free" in 1800 [MD:541]. xi. John, "free Mulatto" head of a Charles County household of 7 "other free" in 1800 [MD:523]. 1 xii. John, born say 1760. xiii. Jacob, head of a Dorchester County household of 4 "other free" and a slave in 1800 [MD:649]. 2 xivi. Hannah, born say 1760. 3 xv. Samuel, born say 1762. 1. John Adams, born say 1760, was a "free Negro" head of a Prince George's County household of 8 "other free" in 1800 [MD:268]. He may have been the father of i. Maria B., born about 1788, married Nathan D. Hale/ Hall. She registered as a free Negro in Prince George's County on 26 February 1813: Maria B. Hall, formerly Maria B. Adams, is a bright mulatto woman, about 25 years old, and 4 feet 10 inches tall She was raised in the town ofPiscataway in Prince George's County until she married Nathan D. Hale, her present husband. She was born free. ii. George Clinton, bom about 1796, registered on 15 October 1827: a dark mulatto man, about 31 years old, and 5 feet 9-1/2 inches tall... born free in Prince George's County [Provine, Registrations of Free Negroes, 14, 71]. 2. Hannah Adams, born say 1760, was head of a Baltimore City household of 3 "other free" in 1800 [MD:125]. She may have been the mother of Page 2 of 38