Untitled 11/7/99 9:52 PM Douglass, Frederick. "M/ Escape from Slavery." The Century Illustrated Magazine 23, n.s. 1 (Nov. 1881): 125-131. MY ESCAPE FRCM SLAVERY In the first narrative of rry experience in slavery, written nearly forty years ago, and in various writings since, I have given the public what I considered very good reasons for witħiholding the manner of ny escape. In substance these reasons were, first, that such publication at any time during the existence of slavery might be used ty the master against the slave, and prevent the future escape of any wno might adopt the same means that I did. The second reason was, if possible, still more binding to silence: the publication of details \\ould certainly have put in peril the persons and property of those who assisted. Murder itself was not more sternly and certainly punished in the State of l^ryland than that of aiding and abetting the escape of a slave. Many colored men, for no other crime than that of giving aid to a fugitive slave, have, like Charles T. Torrey, perished in prison. The abolition of slavery in rry native State and throughout the country, and the lapse of time, render the caution hitherto observed no longer necessary. But even since the abolition of slavery, I have sometimes thought it well enough to baffle curiosity ty saying that while slavery existed there were good reasons for not telling the manner of ny escape, and since slavery had ceased to exist, there was no reason for telling it. I shall new, however, cease to avail rryself of this formula, and, as far as I can, endeavor to satisfy this very natural curiosity. I should, perhaps, have yielded to that feeling sooner, had there been anything very heroic or thrilling in the incidents connected with ny escape, for I am sorry to say I have nothing of that sort to tell; and yet the courage that could risk betrayal and the bravery which was ready to encounter death, if need be, in pursuit of freedon, were essential features in the undertaking. M/ success was due to address rather than courage, to good luck rather than bravery. M^ means of escape were provided for ms ky the very men who were rraking laws to hold and bind me more securely in slavery. It was the custom in the State of Maryland to require the free colored people to have what were called free papers. These instruments they were required to renew very often, and ky charging a fee for this writing, considerable sums from http://www.msstate.edu/Archives/History/USA/Afro-Amcr/dugl210.txt Page 1 of 17