debts, nor were they a nuisance to the community. However, in 1681, John Johnson decided to move to the underdeveloped frontier region of southern Delaware, known as Horekill River (Deal 272), in Sussex County, but Mary Johnson and some of the other Johnsons remained in Somerset County, in the Wicomico Hundred section that later became a part of Wicomico County. Somerset County land records show that Mary Johnson was still alive in 1688 (Liber L2, 636), but by 1701 she no longer appeared in court records, so the presumption is that she was deceased. Notes 1 Hotten 244; Russell 24. 2 Ames 102; Wise 285. 3 Ames 102; Hotten 182, 241. 4 Whitelaw 671; Nugent 374; Russell 24; Ames 102; M.S. Court Records of Northampton County, 1651-1654: 161. 5 Brewer 576; Ames 103. 6 Breen and Innes 7; Brewer 578. 7 Russell 32; Ames 104; Breen and Innes 13-15; Whitelaw 671; Northampton County Deed and Will F. 226. 8 See Somerset County Court Records (Liber 0-2,20-21, Md. HR; Liber 0-1, 32-33, Md. HR; and Liber B 0-1,28. Md. HR, 640-41) and the Archives of Maryland LTV 749. 9 Archives of Maryland LJV 675; Somerset County Court Records Liber 0-2, 20-21, Md. HR. Sources Ames, Susie. Studies of the Virginia Eastern Shore in the Seventeenth Century. New York. Archives of Maryland UV. Proceedings of the County Court of Somerset, 1665-1668. Maryland Historical Society, 1937. County Court Series 7. Breen, T.H., and Stephen Innes. "Myne Owne Ground": Race and Freedom on Virginia's Eastern Shore, 1640-1676. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. Brewer, James H. "Negro Property Holders in Seventeenth Century Virginia." William and Mary Quarterly Xn (1955). Deal, J.D. Race and Class in Colonial Virginia: Indians, Englishmen and Africans on the Eastern Shore During the Seventeenth Century. Diss. University of Rochester, 1981. Hotten, John C. The Original Lists of Persons of Quality and Others Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600- 1700. London: 1874. Maryland Provincial Patents Liber 8, 495. Maryland Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland: 1665. M.S. Court Records of Northampton County. 1651-1654. Northampton County Deed and Will, Vol. IV. 1651-1654. Nugent. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Grants and Patents, 1623-1800. Patent Book 6. Richmond, Virginia, 1934. Russell, John H. The Free Negro in Virginia, 1619-1865. New York: Negro Universities Press, 1913. Somerset County Court Records. Somerset County Land Records. Whitelaw, Ralph T. Virginia's Eastern Shore: A History of Northampton and Accomack Counties Vol. 1. Gloucester, Massachusetts: 1951. Wise, Jennings Cropper. Ye Kingdome ofAccawmache on the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. Richmond, Virginia: The Bell Book and Stationery Co., 1911. 30