10. Wright, The Free Negro in Maryland, 149-174. 11. RerlinJ Slaves Without Master^ 381-382. 12. American Missinnary3 2nd Ser., IX (April 1, 1865), 80. 13. Baltimore AmeHcan3 November 24, 1866. 14. Tbid.; July 1, 1867. [Italics added.] Hugh Lennox Bond was born in 1828 in Baltimore. He graduated from the University of the City of New York in 1848. He returned to Baltimore and was admitted to the bar in 1851. In 1860 he was appointed judge of the Baltimore Criminal Court. A member of the American or "Know Nothing" Party in the 1850s, he became a strong Unionist after the April 19, 1861 Baltimore attack upon the 6th Massachusetts Regiment. (Dictionary of American Rinqraphy vol. 2, 431-432; Who Was Who in America: Historical Volume, 1607-1896, 63. See also, Richard Paul Fuke, "Hugh Lennox Bond and Radical Republican Ideology," Journal of Southern History^ 45 (November 1979, 569-586).