HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION No. 12 9lr2561 P6 By: Delegate! Rawllofs, Aaderson, Boston, Co nun ings, Currie, Davis, Dixon, Doaglass, Exam, Faltoa, Harrlson, Howard, Hughes, Jefferies, Jones, Kirk, Lawlah, Miller, Montague, M. Mvrphj, and Woods Introduced and read first time: February 3, 1989 Assigned to: Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee Report: Favorable House action: Adopted Read second time: March 21, 1989______________ ___ RESOLUTION NO.____ HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 1 A House Joint Resolution concerning 2 Commemoration of African American Middle Passage and Slavery 3 FOR the purpose of requesting that the President and the Congress of the United States 4 establish a national commission to propose an appropriate commemorative 5 monument in recognition of African American Middle Passage and Slavery and the 6 contributions of those who survived American slavery. 7 WHEREAS, Millions of Africans were forcibly removed from Africa between the 8 15th and 19th centuries, under unparalleled suffering and death, as a means of economic 9 enhancement and amelioration of the lives of Europeans and Americans; and 10 WHEREAS, The middle passage represented an underappreciated chapter in 11 America's history whereby African slaves were transported by European and American 12 slave traders into the Americas; and 13 WHEREAS, 20% of the Africans enslaved perished either as a result of the trek from 14 the place of captivity to the slave ships, or as a result of the hardships sustained during the 15 middle passage across the Atlantic Ocean, or as a result of sufferings endured as slaves; 16 and 17 WHEREAS, Slave labor enabled and provided the foundation for the commercial 18 and industrial revolutions in Western societies, including the United States; and 19 WHEREAS, The devastating impact of the loss of life and destruction of family 20 bonds and cultural heritage due to the slave trade pales in comparison to the many 21 contributions that slaves and their descendants made to the economic development of the 22 British colonies and subsequently to the United States of America; and 23 WHEREAS, African-Americans, the descendants of slaves, in spite of segregation EXPLANATION: CAPITALS INDICATE MATTER ADDED TO EXISTING LAW. Underlining indicates amendments to bill. 8tnh« otit indicates matter stricken by amendment.