8 REPORT WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF Principal, first group school, nine assistants and 200 in attendance .... ............ 1,050 2,050 2,150 2,250 2,350 Provisional (emergency) principals and teachers receive $200 less than the foregoing schedule. Increments with service are compulsory for first class teachers only. COLORED TEACHERS, PER MONTH, MINIMUM OF 8 MONTHS. Tears of Experience Position 1-3 4-5 6-8 9-4- Eleinentary school teacher holding certificate of third grade................... .$40 $45 Second grade .......................... 50 55 $bo*""""' First grade ............................ 05 70 75 $85 High school assistant .................. SO 90 95 Principal ............................. 95 110 120 Principal with five assistants and 100 in attendance ......................... 105 120 130 Provisional elementary school teachers receive $5 less per month, and high school teachers $10 less than regularly qualified teachers. Increments with service are compulsory for first class teachers only. The Commission recommends the principle of equal pay, grade by grade, as shown by the standards of school classification and teachers certificates toward attaining this standard without regard to color. The State of Maryland should proceed promptly and vigorously in this matter. Well trained, efficient teachers with experience can hardly be secured or retained in any other way. It costs the colored teacher as much as one of any other group to secure an education and to live while teaching school. We request that the Board of Education, the Governor and the Legislature take this matter into immediate consideration. There are now 18 high schools of various grades for Negroes in the State. Less than 10 years ago there was but one and that in the City of Baltimore. With the increase in school facilities has also come an increase in attendance and an advance in the grade of certificates held by teachers. The State Normal. School at Bowie has been established