George Calvert lived in England in the 1600's. He and the King of England were friends. The king gave George the title of Lord Baltimore and some land in America. The land was called Maryland in honor of Queen Henrietta Maria. George Calvert wanted to start a settlement in Maryland but died before he was able to do so. After George Ca I vert's death, his oldest son, Cecil, became the Second Lord Baltimore and owner of Maryland. Cecil wanted to stay in England; therefore, he sent his brothers, Leonard and George, to Maryland. Leonard and George led the voyage of the Ark and the Dove to Maryland from England. Leonard became the governor of St. Mary's City. At Cecil Calvert's death, his son Charles became the Third Lord Baltimore. The new rulers in England took away Charles* power in Maryland. When Charles Calvert died his son, Benedict, became the Fourth Lord Baltimore. Benedict was a friend of the King of England and Maryland was given back to the Calverts. Charles Calvert II, became the Fifth Lord Baltimore when Benedict died. Charles's son, Frederick, was the Sixth and last Lord Baltimore. The last leader of Maryland before it became a state was Henry Harford. He was Frederick's son, but he was not a Calvert. Harford was not given the title of Lord Baltimore and as a result he was called a proprietor. SS-64