MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RESPONSIBILITIES Responsibilities of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) outlined in the Regulations include providing assistance to local school systems in ETM planning and subsequent implementation, and assuring a multicultural focus in all state activities, including assessments, publications, and curricular frameworks. In addition, the Regulations require MSDE to provide materials for local school systems, such as an annotated ETM resource guide and criteria for evaluating and selecting appropriate instructional materials. MSDE also provides feedback to local school systems on their Annual ETM Progress Reports. To coordinate efforts from within MSDE, Dr. Grasmick instituted the MSDE Cross-Divisional Task Force on Education That .Is Multicultural in 1997. The task force consists of MSDE staff members. LOCAL SCHOOL SYSTEM RESPONSIBILITIES The ETM Regulations require local school systems to develop and implement five-year ETM plans that address curriculum, instruction, staff development, instructional resources, and school climate. The first five-year planning cycle will end in 1999, with new plans being prepared for implementation that will begin in the year 2000. As of June 30, 1998, each local school system began submitting an Annual ETM Progress Report to MSDE.