Rationale A diverse teaching and administrative staff provides students with appropriate role models and contributes to the inclusion of diverse perspectives in education programs. In addition to expanding recruitment efforts, emphasis should be placed on making professional development programs that focus on developing teacher expertise and subject matter competence a priority. Recommendation 7: Staff Development Local school systems should provide staff development on working with diverse populations for administrators, teachers, and other educational staff. Rationale So much in students' academic success is associated with teacher-student interaction, student perception of school environment, teacher expectations, and appropriate instructional methodologies. Although there are many similarities among learners, there are certain characteristics, such as learning styles and cultural attitudes, that differ. Therefore, it is necessary that teachers receive appropriate training to effectively work with students from various cultural backgrounds. Recommendation 8: Teachers Schools should carefully assign students to teachers. Rationale Teacher effectiveness is a dominant causative factor affecting student academic growth. Further, teacher effects are so cumulative that if a student receives two rather ineffective teachers in succession the loss in growth is ususally not recoverable. Recommendation 9: Academic Growth Local school systems should have in place a workable process to assist teachers, administrators, and support staff in learning to use available data in positive, diagnostic ways. Recommendation 10: Academic Growth Local school systems, in conjunction with MSDE. should provide for longitudinal measures of students' academic progress, rather than just relying on mean aggregate measures. 62