J RECOMMENDATIONS TO LOCAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS ] The following recommendations for local school systems were developed by the Man-land State J ! Education That Is Multicultural Advisory Council and are intended to assist local systems in their efforts to reduce achievement disparities and provide equity in education for all students. T Recommendation 1: Practices, Programs, and Initiatives f Each local school system (LSS) should demonstrate commitment to student achievement by implementing effective practices, programs, and initiatives that specifically address achievement -n disparities. Such approaches should include full and rigorous compliance with all components of J the Education That Is Multicultural (ETM) Regulation, including curriculum infusion, instruction. staff development, climate, and instructional resources. -» Rationale As the ETM Regulations point out, ETM is not a separate entity, but an educational component J that has a significant impact on student performance. It is important that ETM. with accountability, is incorporated in all educational realms, including, but not limited to. curriculum. -^ instruction, staff development, and instructional resources. Such an infusion will contribute to J student growth and success and promote student achievement by fostering a positive school and classroom climate that addresses issues of diversity and promotes high teacher expectations for all students. I Recommendation 2: Parent Involvement j All LSS plans should include programs and strategies to promote and sustain involvement of parents and family members of diverse backgrounds, particularly targeting under represented 1 groups. Rationale I Just as there are levels of parental involvement, there are varying definitions of appropriate parental involvement among groups. Recognizing that fact, parents of all students must be | actively involved in an ongoing partnership with schools to address issues of student achievement. -J Through these partnerships, maximum opportunities can be provided to students to prepare them to succeed in life. To that end. it is essential to identify and use best practices for involving | parents who are not normally engaged with the schools. -• Recommendation 3: Equity Concerns -* Each LSS should formalize policies and procedures to establish a coordinated systemic effort to I monitor and address staff, student, and parent equity concerns. These concerns include the issues J of student achievement, distribution of resources, and equitable treatment. J 60 I