RECOMMENDATIONS RELATED TO LANGUAGE IN THE EDUCATION THAT IS MULTICULTURAL REGULATIONS These recommendations for revisions in the Education That Is Multicultural Regulations (COMAR 13 A. 04.05) were developed by the Maryland State Education That Is Multicultural Advisory Council and are addressed to the Maryland State Department of Education. The revisions are intended to ensure meaningful implementation of the Regulations. Therefore. COMARf 13A. 04. 05) - Maryland Education That Is Multicultural Regulations should be amended to include the following language revisions and additions: Recommendation 1: Related to Planning Component of the Regulation "Local school system needs assessments conducted as pan of their five-year cycles of Education That Is Multicultural planning and assessmeni shall include findings based on an analysis of disaggregated data related to student achievement." "Local school system five-year Education That Is Multicultural plans shall include strategies related to student achievement within each of the plan's required components (curriculum, instruction, instructional materials, staff development, and climate)." Rationale The current Regulations contain no specific planning requirements related to student achievement. Man-land supports strong linkages between including Education Thai Is Multicultural perspectives and programs in school improvement initiatives and enhancing achievement for ALL students. Man-land's Education That Is Multicultural Regulations should reflect these linkages. Recommendation 2: Related to Assessment Component of the Regulation "Local school systems shall submit their five-year Education That Is Multicultural plans 10 MSDE for review and evaluation by June 30 of each designated cycle, beginning in 1999." 'The Maryland State Department of Education shall review and evaluate five-year cycle plans submitted by local school systems beginning in June. 1999. and shall provide appropriate feedback to local school system Superintendents within 60 days of submission in the years in which plans are submined." Rationale Currently the Regulations require submission to MSDE by local school systems of Annual Progress Reports for review, but no requirements are listed for submission and review or evaluation of Five-Year Plans. Although the Regulations mandate that MSDE provide appropriate assistance to local school systems, there is no vehicle within rhe Regulations ror MSDE to assure that local plans are comprehensive and meet established criteria. 55