142 While it is was beyond the purview, time allocation, and resources of this Task Force to research contemporary psychological effects of the enslavement, the Task Force does hope that through the establishment of a commission that research can be undertaken into the consequences of almost four centuries of psycho-historical damage from which black Marylanders of African descent have likely suffered. Unlike this Task Force which was without staff, budget or other resources, such a commission, it would be hoped, would have the resources to study the coping and achievement skills (both functional and dysfunctional) that many Marylanders have developed to endure and overcome their prolonged and intensive psycho-historical ordeal as the offsprings of slaves. Additionally, such a commission, it is hoped, would be able to investigate the economic impact of the legacy of slavery, for example, with respect to sharecropping, appropriation of land, and ongoing practices of de facto residential segregation and investigate strategies to ameliorate their disparate impact. Recommendation