108 1 0. Findings Relevant to Tourism History is well served in educating the public through tourism and economic growth is also well served through tourism, including especially responsible cultural tourism. There appears also to be universal agreement that tourism is a major growth industry and that Maryland is very optimally situated geographically and historically to profit economically from the growth of this industry. There also appears to be universal agreement that Maryland allocates very meager funds to the development of its tourist industry as compared to neighboring states and the District of Columbia. This policy seems counter productive in view of major recent State investments in transportation, stadiums, the Baltimore Convention Center, state parks, and museums. The Sun of December 12, 1999 reported gleefully that Richard B Hughes, Chief of the Office of Archaeology at the Maryland Historical Trust, had narrowed his search for the cabin where the famed abolistionist Fredericdk Douglass was born in Talbot County to about 200 acres. June Arney who wrote the article also reported that "Hughes shares a vision with state tourism officials for the creation of a driving tour that would weave the stories of two