99 Since, 1998, the International Network to Freedom Association (INTFA) has been engaged in creating valuable partnerships and educational programs which provide interpretation, research and insight into the period of slavery, and particularly into the history of the Underground Railroad. INTFA was secured by the National Park Service as a consultant to gather data for the Guide's Guide to the Underground Railroad in the United States and Canada. In June, 1998, when members of Parks Canada, Multiculturalism Canada, the National Tour Association and the National Park Service met to put together plans for this guide, Ms. Richburg, Executive Director of INTFA was successful in convincing the delegation that the route of Harriet Tubman should be included as one of three areas on which to base this publication. Consequently, Maryland was recognized as the first of a progression of states where research would begin for the Guide. The publication will be available in 2000 and is intended to be distributed worldwide, first and foremost to tour operators to promote greater tourism. In 1999, Maryland formed its first State Underground Railroad Association. Maryland and any other state should use this history, however horrific, to encourage racial reconciliation. The Underground Railroad was a movement which bridged racial divides. It provides