97 While the Task Force commends the Maryland Historic Trust and the Highway Administration on this restoration project, it notes with concern the deterioration of road markers was allowed to proceed so far. It also notes that merely recasting the old signs does not address the almost total lack of markers that refer to black Marylanders nor the fact that many reflect the thinking of private sponsors in a segregationist era and recycle misinformation. Recommendation The Task Force recommends that a commission be established to lead an aggressive campaign to identify historical sites throughout the state as related to the history and legacy of slavery. The commission will promote a racially inclusive understanding of their legacies through state support and in-depth research programs. The commission will monitor the state of preservation or development of historical sites in Maryland associated with the era of slavery. Such monitoring also will extend to historic African-American communities dispersed throughout the State that developed as a result of slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim-Crow practices.