88 ____5 . Adult Education Programming____| Outside of formal settings of educational institutions and a few cultural centers, it would appear that only minimal adult education about the history and legacy of slavery in now taking place in Maryland. Considering that adults often impose their views of the world on young people, this appears to be an area where more focus is needed. While deficits in this area are suspected across all racial and ethnic communities, only future surveying will be able to ascertain what is occurring, where the greatest deficits lie, and how they may best be addressed. Although adults are a good source of transmitting traditions, they are also a good source of recycling stereotypes, overgeneralizations, myths, and prejudices. No less than youth, adults need to be involved in educational programming relevant to the history and legacy of slavery in Maryland. Moreover, unlike youth, they are voters and tax payers whose support is needed if the situation is in the State is to improve before more time and resources are lost. Recommendation