85 attract potential sources of sponsorship to bring more sessions of "The Follow The Freedom Trail National Education Series" to Maryland schools and educators. [Excerpt from Written Submission of Dr. Judith O'Brien, Education Director of Sotterley Plantation, Hollywood, and St. Mary's County, MD] In 1998, Sotterley Plantation in partnership with the St. Mary's County Public Schools developed the "Slavery to Freedom Program," a grade level program for 8th grade students to study slavery in the United States, Maryland, and particularly St. Mary's County, through the lives of the actual slaves who lived and worked on Sotterley Plantation in the 19th century. The ten-day slavery unit integrates social studies, mathematics, and language arts, as students study slavery, learn about the principles of archaeological excavation, analyze slave statistics, and write fictional accounts of events during the Civil War. Primary sources from Sotterley Plantation, including oral histories, inventories, and artifacts provide background information for students prior to a field study visit to Sotterley. While at Sotterley, students participate in a practice archaeology dig, spend time in Sotterley's 1830s slave cabin, and view the Manor