59 County, April 9, 1804 "Retrieval of Runaway Slave, George, Harford County, November 21, 1801 "Retrieval of Runaway Slaves, Hanson Marshall and Peter Snowden, Baltimore, October 11, 1828 "Retrieval of Runaway Slave, Philip Adams, Talbot County, Maryland, May 4, 1861 Juxtapose this with the visual images of enslaved Africans working in the field; Francis Guy's 1805 view of "Perry Hall Slave Quarters with Fields Hands At Work" Benjamin Latrobe's 1789 view " An Overseer Doing His Duty, Sketched from Life" Charles Willson Peale's 1791 [or 1800] painting of "Colonel Gittings and His Family at Long Green" with slaves harvesting wheat in the background 5. The MHS Library contains several bills of sale for slaves from the 18th to the mid 19th centuries