51 First and foremost, we have to understand that history is not just dates although that is the impression that most people have. I was a teacher of old civilizations. I tried to get people to understand that you have to understand the people around you and their culture as well as how the cultures interact. One day I asked my class, "suppose you happen to be lucky enough to get a fortune 500 job and it is your responsibility to set up an event? What foods would you include? What foods would you exclude and how would you make the decision?" First of all you have to know who the people are, their cultures and their backgrounds. The purpose is to get you to understand how to survive in to the 21st Century. How to work with people so not to offend them so you do not loose your job. I put it to them on an economic basis first. Then I talk about religion, the social factors and how cultures come together. They call me motor mouth because I keep them busy. I get them to understand and to like history. I don't emphasize dates. I give them dates but I don't kill them with dates. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. That's all people remember. But, what were the implications of it? What impact did that voyage have?