50 show that almost 300 slaves were freed in Worcester County alone. There is no record of it in any history book. Even on the college level, it isn't there. Our students don't know, and even some of our teachers don't know. I am not talking about on the elementary level. Our teachers don't understand the implications of slavery. They don't understand the legacy of slavery. I happen to be the only African American woman in my department. Since 1977 I have been the only African American woman in my History Department. I need help to teach all of these classes. What I am saying is that they do not understand. There is a legacy of racism and that legacy continues on a daily basis. [Senator Roy Dyson's observed that the history hooks definitely needed to he rewritten and noted that Dr Judith Smith earlier suggested that African American history needed to he part of the entire curriculum rather than separated out the way it was when he took a course on the subject at Montgomery Junior College. He asked Dr. Small her view on this. Also, he asked her what she would do to rewrite the history hooks and tn inform the Task Force what could he done to enhance the popularity of history as a discipline ]