43 different populations, as one of the suggested areas of focus for Task Force presenters. They also address the questions posed by Dr. McAdoo concerning the development of the Black child. I hope that this current task force will state pointed recommendations that address both the affective and cognitive aspects of the teaching-learning situation: Educators must be taught the content and strategies for instruction that are aligned with the framework for instruction for the state of Maryland, The Dimensions of Learning. Educators must receive training that will address the sensitivity of the issues (e.g., with reference to age appropriateness for exposure to certain content, cultural sensitivity, respect for diversity, peace management and/or conflict resolution). The history and legacy of slavery in Maryland must be addressed as a part of the whole: the significance, history, and legacy of African people both on and off the continent. To isolate "the enslavement" out of context would be a divisive and destructive maneuver.