38 One ever feels the twoness - an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideas in one dark body... The Souls of Black Folk The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line. Black Folk Then and Now The turbulence that was experienced during the 1960's (and in academia during the early 1990's) was in part according to the late Dr. Samuel L. Banks, an effort to make "elementary-secondary school and institutions of higher education address the rich and variegated history of Black and non-white Americans." According to Dr. Banks, in the majority of the 16,000 school districts that comprise our nation's public school system, there has been an exclusion of programs that define the African experience as a factual account of Black Americans' accomplishments, travails, and culture in a coherent manner. "Afrocentric Perspectives: Fact and Mythology, 1991." According to Dr. Molefi Keye Asante, the education of European-American children reinforces their history and heritage "as a matter of course." African-American children should also be taught in such