35 1 . Status and practice as a border state 2. Involvement of enslaved Africans in the War effort G. Population growth in Maryland 1. Anti-African-American sentiments following the Emancipation Proclamation 2. Employment opportunities in Baltimore 3 . Search for kin by African Americans H. The Maryland and Liberian Connection 1. Return in 1857 of 1451 Africans to land purchased in Liberia 2. Legacy of Liberians and Marylanders: Living History Project Recommendations The Task Force recommends the establishment of a commission which will encourage research inclusive of the following areas: (a) presentation of slavery and indentured servitude, (b) presentation of Maryland's relationship to the Middle Passage, (c) identification and interpretation of historic Maryland sites associated with the era of slavery, and (d) historic African-American communities dispersed throughout the State that developed as a result of slavery,