34 Some areas requiring additional research are the following: A. African Americans' arrival in Maryland 1. West Indian connection in the 1690's 2. Presence of African descendents in Anne Arundel County in the 1770's (40 -50 % of the population) B. Definition of Slave by Maryland Law 1. Rights/ or lack of rights as personal property 2. Issues associated with enslaved females 3. Urban and plantation slavery C. Free Africans and their descendents in Maryland 1. Skilled labor force 2. Location and livelihood of the 25,OOO free Africans in 1860 D. Enslaved Europeans in Maryland 1 . Differing statue 2. Indentured servants' length of service E Founding of churches by African Americans 1. Perceptions and actions of land-holding slave owners 2. Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, and Episcopal Churches: Varying viewpoints and perspectives F. Maryland and the Civil War