16 the Eastern Shore is 40 years behind the time. The Eastern Shore has very little history. Yes you've heard about Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass and a few others, but most people tend to believe that blacks have done absolutely nothing and have accomplished nothing. That was the sentiment of one of my students after about two months of class. I was highly offended, so I went home that Friday afternoon and began to type. I produced a political article entitled "Reality Check." [See Appendix J.] The next day I took it to campus to xerox and disseminate it. While I was xeroxing, our former president, Dr. Murry asked what I was doing. I told him that I was making copies for something that I did over the weekend. He took a look at it and said, " this should be at all schools on the Eastern Shore. Dr. Murry paid for it to be published and sent to each of the 57 schools in the three counties on the Eastern Shore. I also go into the schools and talk to them. There is no funding for that either because, again, there is the perception that there is no African American History worthy of being preserved. I encourage