7 The Task Force recommends the establishment of a commission which will work with grass roots organizations, foundations, and government agencies to publicize adult educational and cultural initiatives relative to the history and legacy of slavery that appear to have potential as models worthy of state support. This commission will encourage the convening of workshops at appropriate locations statewide to reach this audience. 6 . Library and Archival Resources The Task Force recommends that Maryland immediately target funding for the identification and maintenance of library and archival resources relevant to the history and legacy of slavery. The commission will seek support through pivotal foundations, libraries, archives, preservations organizations, and museums to produce guides and maintain on-line data bases of relevant holdings, especially of those not appropriately catalogued or documented. 7 . Historical Sites, Markings, and Preservations The Task Force recommends that a commission be established to lead an aggressive campaign to identify historical sites throughout the state as related to the history and legacy of slavery. The commission will promote a racially inclusive understanding of their