Introduction and Executive Summary of Task Force Recommendations As slavery is part of a collective legacy of all the people of Maryland; it belongs to no particular racial or ethnic group and it belongs uniquely to no one or two regions. Both slavery and indentured servitude existed from the Delmarva Peninsula east of the Chesapeake to the most western of Maryland counties and from St. Mary's County in the south through central Maryland all the way to the Mason-Dixon Line on the north. As time moves us over the threshold into the twenty-first century and into a new millennium, it is vital that we Marylanders assess how slavery and its legacy continue to impact our lives. As long as the effects of slavery still impinge on our social interrelationships, these effects belong as much to our present and future as to our past. Additionally, slavery is a part of our heritage associated with many resources, sites, edifices, corridors, and artifacts that will be forever lost unless we invest methodically in their protection and preservation.