VII 8. Findings Relevant to Trail and Corridor Preservation.......................................................... 98 9. Findings Relevant to Mass Media..........................102 10. Findings Relevant to Tourism...............................108 11. Findings Relevant to Lingering Psychological, Sociological and Economic Impacts...................... 128 12. Findings Relevant to Disparate Impacts of Crime and Crime-Control..................................................... 144 13. Findings Relevant to Permanent Monuments of Commemoration .................................................151 14. Implications for Further Study and Action............156 Appendix A: Minority Achievement in Maryland: The State of the State [Excerpt]...........................................162 Appendix B: Education That Is Multicultural [Excerpt].. 196 Appendix C: BCPSS Grade 4 Curriculum - Maryland: Its Culture and Environment/ Unit 2 on History and Contributions of Diverse Groups..........................201 Appendix D: Outline of In-Service Course......................220