Acknowledgements In order for this Report to emerge, the contributions of many people were essential apart from members of the Task Force. Special acknowledgement is due Professor Dean R. Wagner, Historical Preservationist, Dr. W. J. Megginson, Historian, and Dr. Delores G. Kelley, Senator and Specialist in American Studies, who were constantly available as consultants and facilitators to the Chair of the Task Force. Most important of all were the numerous persons in many fields of specialty who testified before the Task Force or who submitted written documentation of various kinds. Although all such testimony and submissions were subject to editing for clarification and completeness as well as to some rearrangement in order to maintain the continuity of the Report, every effort was made to retain the full intent and substance of what they said and submitted. Finally, the Task Force acknowledges the services of Ms. Dawn Flythe, Director of Intergovernmental and Community Relations in the Office of the Secretary of State who was instrumental in providing the Task Force with important staff support.