I860.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 865 Your committee recommend the passage of the following order: Ordered, That the Speaker of the House of Delegates issue his warrant for an election to he holden at such time as he may appoint (not inconsistent with the laws of this State), in Washington county, for the purpose of electing a delegate to represent said county in the House of Delegates ; and further, that the scat occupied by George Freaner, as a delegate from said county, be, and the same is hereby declared vacant. GEORGE H. MORGAN, JOSHUA WILSON, BARNES COMPTON. Which was read and concurred in. Mr. Briscoe proposed the following: By the House of Delegates, March 9, 1860. To the Honorable, the Senate of Maryland: We have received your message, asking the appointment of a committee on the part of the House to join a cpmmittee of three on the part of the Senate to present the address of the General Assembly of Maryland in reference to the removal of Judge Stump, and concur therein. We have appointed Messrs. Briscoe, Gordon and Miller to act in conjunction with your committee to present said address to the Governor. By order, MILTON Y. KIDD, Chief Clerk. Which was assented to, and sent to the Senate. On motion of Mr. Linthicum, The bill entitled, an act, to amend article 10th of the code of public local laws in regard to the collection of judgments against free negroes in Dorchester county, was taken up and reconsidered to a second reading, when Mr. Linthicum proposed the following amendments: Amend section 1, line 11: strike out '''sell" and insert "hire," in same line, strike out "sale as a slave" and insert "auction;" in 12th line strike out "purchase" and insert "hire;" and in 13th line strike out "sale" and insert "hiring:" 109