I860.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 749 DenisonjBalt. co., Naill, Beall, Quinlan, McCoy. McCleary, Renshaw, Straughn, Hoop, Jones, of Talbot. Goldsborougb, Gorsuch, Chaplain, Ivrafft, Mills—55. Long, Seth, NEGATIVE. Messrs. Maxwell, Jacobs, McAllister—5. Miller, Booze, On motion of Mr. McAllister. The House adjourned until this evening at 7^ o'clock. EVENING SESSION. 7-A O'CLOCK. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Present at the call of the roll the following members : Messrs. Kilbourn, Speaker, Durant, Basin, Medders, Mack-ubin, Briseoe, Ford, Ouinlan, lien sh aw, Jones, of Talbot. Stanford, Wilson, of Cecil, Jones, of Prince George's,, Legg, Jacobs, Landing, Salmon, Wilson, of Harford, Bayless, McCoy, Strauglm. Krafft, Booze, Seth,Ciow-ley,McAllister, Turner, of Baltimore city, Denison, of I'al-timore city, Coudy, Eakle, Brining, Freaner, Stake, Griffith. Beall, McCleary, Iloop, and Gorsuch. On motion of Mr. Morgan, The rules were suspended to enable him to report favorably on the bill entitled, an act to authorise the Comptroller to adjust the accounts of Elijah T. Abcll, deceased, and allow a^ 'credits on the same all sums of money for which the State's attorney may have receipted; Which was read the first time. On motion of Mr. Mackubin, The rules were suspended to enable him to report favorably on the bill entitled, an act appropriating a sum of money for the payment of the claims of J. Wesley White, Solomon Phillips, and George E. Franklin;