748 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [March 5, On motion of Mr. Miller, The Sergeant-at-Arms was sent after the absent members- After an absence of some time, the Sergeant-at-Arms returned, and reported that he had notified the absent members to give their attendance. Mr. Lawson moved that the House do now adjourn. Which was not concurred in. On motion of Mr. Freaner, A call of the House was ordered. Upon the call of the roll. Mr. Maxwell moved that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with; On motion of Mr. Maxwell, The iSergeant-at-Arms was again sent after the absent members. After sometime, the Sergeant-at-Arms returned and reported that he had notified the absent members to give their attendance, and that all were now present who were in the city, except those who were sick. On motion of Mr. Gordon, All further proceedings under the call were dispensed with. The question then recurring upon the report and resolutions, requesting the Governor to remove Judge {Stump; They were concurred in, and adopted by yeas and nays as follow: AFFIRMATIVE. Berry, Growley, Smith, Turner, Bait, city :>riie's Dcnison, Bait city Cotidy, Eakle, Brining, b'reaner, Stake, Griffith, Gordon, Barnard. Messrs. Lawson, Kilbourn, Speaker Linthicum, Durant, Keene, Morgan, Bryan, Rasin, Jones, P.G Welch, ^ Lcgg, Mackubin. Starkey, Briscoe, Landing, Parian, Kessler, Compton, Claggett, Burgess, Routzahn, Ford, Johnson, Worthington , Salmon.