INDEX 1013 STATE LIBRARIAN— Authorised to procure for each member and officer of the House a penknife, 36. Authorised to furnish the clerk of the Circuit court of Worcester county with copies of the acts of 1843-'45, and one copy of Alexander's Practice, 56. Order that the, furnish the clerks of the courts with copies of the public general and local laws, 126. Order that the purchase lifty copies of Ethan Alien's History of Maryland, for the use of the Library, 247. Edwin M. Shipley declared to be, 316. Favorable report by committee on, to add an additional section to article 54 of the code of public general laws, relating to, 817"; passed, 851. Order that the, be directed to purchase, for the use of the General Assembly, one ream of bill paper and two gross of steel pens, and the Governor be requested to pay for them out of the contingent fund. STUMP, JUDGE HENRY—Petition for the removal of, presented, referred to a special committee, 25. Order that the special committee have leave to act in conjunction with a committee from the Senate, appointed for the same purpose, 56. Committee have power to send for persons and papers, '25. Memorial withdrawn and sent to the Senate, 37. Order that the committee on Elections have leave to employ a stenographer to take down the testimony, &c., 144. Order that live thousand copies of the evidence be printed, 468. Report of committee on, and request to the Governor to remove him from the Criminal Court of Baltimore city, 704, 705; report and resolutions adopted, 748; message to the Senate, 865.