To the 2d, I am, and visit the city of Baltimore frequently and always whilst in the city visited the Criminal Court, and particularly whilst I was the prosecuting attorney for Worcester county, never saw him drunk on any occasion, although I hoard at the same hotel when in the city. My observation of the Judge was that he was fully competent to fill the position he occupied, or I should not have gone into his Court for the purpose of learning the criminal law, not loving particularly to read the books on the subject, never heard him in a single instance use obscene or vulgar language on or off the bench. Robert McAllister sworn. 1st. I do. Am an Attorney at Law. 2d. I am. Have practiced in the Criminal Court since November 1857. I have never seen Judge Stump on the bench incompetent to discharge his duties, never heard him use obscene or vulgar language on or off the bench, never heard him swear in my life, never knew him to adjourn the Court to drink, the adjournments of the Court have always been made at the request of the Jury or Counsel, and in compliance with their request I have known the Judge to adjourn for 15 minutes. In my opinion (as a lawyer) the Judge has shown capacity and fitness for the duties of his office. The capacity of Judge Stump as a lawyer would be admitted generally by the Bar. William Chestnut sworn, 1st. I do. Occupation grocer. 2d. I am. Have been acquainted with Judge Stump for twenty-fire years, have been on the Grand Jury twice during this term, never thought him incompetent to discharge his duties from the use of liquor, never heard him use obscene or Tulgar language oa the bench, -