SI 2d. I am ; have known Judge Stump by sight eight years; four years ago this winter I was summoned as a regular juror for the Criminal Court; went into the Court with some prejudices against the Judge, being thus prejudiced, I scrutinized his conduct, and before my twenty-one days was up my mind was changed in his favor, came to the conclusion that he was a well-read, clear-headed lawyer, strictly honest in all his decisions ; have had no connection with the Court since that time, until the present winter, with the exception of being an occasional spectator ; am now in the same Court as a regular juror, and still find him the same Judge ; have seen Judge Stump frequently, and never saw him drunk, nor heard him use vulgar or profane language in my life ; his general conduct has been kind and courteous. State of Maryland, City of Baltimore, set: I hereby certify that on this fifteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, before the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace of the State of Maryland, in and for the city of Baltimore, personally appeared Joseph F. Creamer and made oath on the Holy Evangelest of Almighty God, that he was the clerk of the late Sheriff, Thomas Creamer, and that during the January term of the Criminal Court, 1858, Mary White was indicted by the grand jury for keeping a bawdy house, upon which indictment the said Mary White paid a fine of $15, and costs $8 24—total $23 24; also, that the grand jury for the September term, 1858, of said Court, found an indictment against the said Mary White for keeping a riotous and disorderly house, upon which indictment the said Mary White paid a fine of $20 and costs $8 24, making a total of $28 24, and that these were the only indictments made by the grand jury against the said Mary White, and further that no other charge was made against the said Mary White during the September term of 1858, of said Court, as will be seen by the books and dockets of the Criminal Court. DANIEL E. MYERS. State of Maryland, City of Baltimore, Set: I hereby certify that on this fifteenth day of February, one