Thomas C. James sworn. 1st. I do. I am Warden of Baltimore city jail. 2d. I am ; have seen the Judge frequently ; never saw him drunk whilst on the hench ; "believe the Judge to he a dignified, courteous and upright Judge; never heard him use vulgar or profane language. William Alexander sworn. 1st. I do. I am a niemher of the Baltimore har. 2d. I am; have been acquainted with Judge Stump, socially and officially, ever since he has occupied the hench of the Criminal Court, and socially some years previous to that time, perhaps for twenty years altogether; have a knowledge of his official conduct; never saw the Judge drunk upon the "bench ; never heard him use vulgar, ohscene or unbecoming language, either on or off the hench, indeed, I may say that in all my intercourse with him, officially or socially,, his language has been chaste in a marked degree ; I-have seen him occasionally on the bench incensed when vulgar language was used at the bar. William JJ. Davis sworn. 1st. I do. My occupation is deputy sheriff nnder G. H, Button. 2d. I am; have been for four or five years past; have been a constable, and had frequent business with the Criminal Court; never saw anything unbecoming in him as a Judge; never saw him drunk, nor heard him use vulgar or profane language, either on or off the bench.