25 Was foreman of the Grand Jury of the Criminal Court for consecutive years, never saw him drunk on the hench, never saw him intoxicated hut once, that was on Christmas vacation. During one term the impartiality and ability displayed by the Judge was such as to cause the Jury to unite in the expression of their appreciation of his conduct in their report at the time of their adjournment. The report was signed by all the Jurors present at the term. Mr. Pinkney, Deputy State's Attorney, has said to me that he considered him a smart lawyer. That he is altogether incompatible, cannot I think be doubted. M. S. NORMAN. Annapolis, February 14, 1860. John E. Evans sworn. John E. Evans a witness produced on the part of Judge Stump, being duly sworn says as follows: To the 1st interrogatory. I reside in Baltimore city and am the reporter of the Patriot newspaper. To the 2d interrogatory. I have not been acquainted with him personally for some time, but have known him officially for eighteen or twenty months. I have been in his Court frequently during the trial of cases, and have always seen him conduct himself in a manner which his position demanded and in accordance with dignity, and have heard him make many ludicrous remarks which caused merriment, but which was checked by himself or the bailiffs, but I never heard any obscene remarks from him. Columbus W. Windsor sworn. 1st interrogatory. Says he does, and is deputy sheriff. 2d interrogatory. I am, and have "been for the last four years past; I was deputy sheriff for two years in his Court, and saw