16 Robert Remoick sworn. Interrogatory 1st. Do you or not reside in the city of Baltimore, if so, were you or not in the fall of 1859, a member of the petit jury of the Criminal Court of that city ? 2d. Have you or not, as a member of said petit jury, had occasion to witness the conduct of Judge Stump on the bench, if so, state fully all your knowledge in reference to the same? ANSWERS. 1st interrogatory. He answers, I do. I was a member of the petit jury of the Criminal Court during the fall of 1859. 2d. While a juror in the case of the State, vs ——, a colored man, indicted for rape, the Judge was, during the progress of the trial in a state of intoxication, and while the evidence was being given, he was a portion of the time asleep on the bench ; I took out my watch and noted the time he slept; it was thirty-five or thirty-sir minutes, when he awoke he required the witnesses to repeat their testimony, a portion of the lestimony was of a most disgusting character, and the jury having once heard it, felt compelled to remonstrate against its repetition ; the judge insisted, but finally yielded, with the observation that he ought to know the facts as the case might go to the Court of Appeals. I was present as a juror, but not on the special panel, during the trial of the Express riotors ; during that trial he was in a state oi continual intoxication. I heard him tell the captain of the steamboat that it would have served him right if the riotors had thrown him overboard, he deserved it i'or having taken white people and negroes on the same boat at 25 cents per head. During the trial he left the bench and came to the window where I was standing, and repeated the same language, adding that he had enough to do in his own district, without being bothered with cases occurring on the Chesapeake bay. During my term of service of 21 days, I think he was sober one day. Albert Ritchie sworn. Interrogatory 1st. Do you or do you not reside in the city of Baltimore, and are you or not a practitioner of law in the Criminal Court of said city? A. I reside in Baltimore, and am an Attorney at Law, practising in the Criminal and other Courts of that city.