15 thereto, especially in regard to his misbehavior in office, hii habit of drinking during the session of his Court, and any other matters that came to your knowledge while acting in the capacity as a member of said grand jury ? ANSWERS. 1st interrogatory. I do. I was. 2d. His general bearing as a Judge was undignified, and upon one occasion during my term of service, the grand jury deemed it necessary to remonstrate with him and 'protest against his leniency towards the most notorious violators of the law, and his demeanor as a Judge was a matter of common remark and jest with the members of the grand jury. I never saw him on the bench in a state of intoxication, being but very seldom in the Court, and only upon occasions when the grand jury came from their room. George E. Dodge sworn. Interrogatory 1st. Do you or not reside in the city of Baltimore, if so, were you or not at any time a member of the grand jury of that city ? 2d. Have you or not, as a member of said grand jury, had occasion to witness the conduct of Judge Stump on the bench, if so, state fully all your knowledge in reference to the game? ANSWERS. 1st interrogatory. I do. I have been once a year for the last five ort six years. 2d interogatory. During the whole period of his Judge-ship he has not conducted himself with proper dignity as a Judge ; I have seen him occasionally in what I supposed to be a state of partial intoxication while on the bench. In the year 1858, during the trial of the Liquor cases, which con-tined two or three weeks, he was evidently, to my mind, in a state of partial intoxication during the whole period.