Thomas Gardner sworn, INTERROGATORIES. 1. Are you the Clerk of the Criminal Court of Baltimore? 2. Can you state the number of indictments found at the three terms of the past year, and the number of them disposed of in open Court ? 3. State whether or not Judge Stump (or you for him) keeps any private Docket or memoranda whatever of the proceedings in his Court, of the presentments made or indictments found by the Grand Jury, or of the disposition made of the same, or of any orders he may pass from time to time relative to them ? 4. State "whether or not the Judge comes into Court at the time appointed to call the Court, or whether he delays going upon the Bench as a usual thing and thereby greatly retarding the business of the Court? 5. State whether or not he adjourns his Court for a recess, usually in the midst of the examination of witnesses, and often against the protest of the jury and counsel ; for what length of time he generally announces sTieh intermissions shall last, and whether he does or docs not delay the progress of trials by absenting himself at such times much beyond the hour he named for re-assembling the C-mrt—and whether on his return he does or does not generally show the effects of intoxicating drink? 6. State at what hour he usually adjourns for the day— whether such adjournments are or are not often against the protest of counsel and jury? "7. State what .you know of his general habits, and his condition upon the Bench—and give any instance or instances, if you can, of vulgarity and intoxication whilst in the discharge of his official duties ? 8. State what entries appear upon your dockets in the case of Wm. Gr. Ford, indicted for the murder of Wm. Burnham, and what disposition was made of the record in that case? 9. State whether or not a proccdcndo from the Court of Appeals reached your office ir; the foregoing case, and what directions, if any, Judge Stump gave in relation to the same? 10. State the number of days the Criminal Court was in session during the past year—and give, if you can, about the average duration of the daily sessions? 11. State the usual course pursued by Judge Stump in regard to juries, and the rendition of verdicts in his Court? 12. State whether or not there is a ^siay" of execution still upon your dockets ia the matter of bail of John Lemon, by order of Judge Stump ? 13. State whether or not the Judge ever gives the business of the Court any personal supervision, by reviewing your