812267 OPINION GENTLEMEN : Allow me most respectfully (if not obediently) to say that I saw in the Clipper of this morning a proceeding of your most honorable and enlightened court, commonly called a procedendo, commanding me, as Judge of the Criminal Court of Baltimore to try again William G. Ford, who was tried at the last term, found guilty by the jury of murder in the first degree, for the homicide of Thomas H. Burnham, and sentenced by me to be hanged until he was dead, on such day as should be appointed by the Governor. In the procedondo or mandate aforesaid you state as follows : "The said Court of Appeals having duly examined the records and proceedings aforesaid in the premises on the first Monday of December last, did reverse the judgment and sentence by the said Criminal Court there being manifest error in the rendition of the judgment and sentence. Whereupon the Court of Appeals, pursuant to the spirit, true intent and meaning of the Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided, and upon the general principles of the common law and the power and authority of the Court of Appeals did or-