Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
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Dr. James W. Stone. Report of the Trial of
Professor John W. Webster ...
, 1850
Image No: 248
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239 in the words of one, " as well as the sculptor would know the product of his chisel; " and the other, " as well as a painter, who had studied a face for a week, and painted it. upon the canvass, could know the portrait as his own work, wherever he might see it." If anything more were needed, it is found in the conformitv of the jaw of Dr. Parkman to the mould which Dr. Keep had; which mould corresponded with all the peculiarities of the jaw of Dr. Parkman, picked out from the smouldering ashes, and, by that true lover of science and uncompromising seeker for the truth, Dr. Wyman, put together, and produced here before us. If he had produced here Dr. Parkman's right hand, with a scar upon it which every one of his friends had known, the evidence of identity could not be more conclu- sive. When we consider that here is a man in this culprit's dock, with such advantages of education and of culture as he has enjoyed, who is himself a devotee of science, - and we feel that he has so debased and betrayed his high vocation and mission as to have slain, either in anger or in cold blood, whichever it may be, his fellow-man, and his benefactor and friend, - it almost sickens us ; we feel that there is no shield for any of us against the commission of great crimes ; that culture, science, and all the ennobling and purifying influence of edu- cation, are utterly lost upon us. To find them subjected to such base uses as that chemist's laboratory has witnessed, prompts us to exclaim, with the poet, '1 Oh star-eyed science! hast thou wandered there To waft us back the tidings of despair?" But we recover and are refreshed only when we go to the other fact which this case discloses, that, although science had been debased to the purpose of destroying those remains, yet science, in its true vocation, in its nobler scope, sifts and penetrates those smouldering ashes, and evokes from them those materials with which it recon- structs almost the entire body which science had vainly attempted to destroy. This gives to us a renewed assurance of respect for science ! And I cannot pass from this part of the case without expressing a feeling which has been often in my mind during the solemnities of this trial-the honor that is due to that noble profession through whose ministers this assurance has come to us. When we have wel- comed them to our bedsides, amid our trials and sufferings, we have loved and honored them; but when we meet them here, and see them takinP the stand, as they do, most reluctantly, against one of their own brotherhood, - forgetting, or rather trampling under foot, all those considerations which arse from caste, from class, and giving them- selves unreservedly to the truth, let it strike where it may, let it fall where it will,-they challenge and are worthy of the highest honor; and they have my humble reverence. One of their number, whom we looked to have been here, and whose aid, in another recent capital trial, I had occasion to seek- in which his testimony showed how much he would have added to the impressiveness of this-has passed away from us, since these investi0'ations commenced,- a man who honored the community in which he lived, who honored the profession to which he belonged, and who, for the cause of science, has been removed from us too soon, - I refer to the late Dr. Martin Gay, whose testimony to that scene down- in yonder prison, and over at that Medical College,